Realme 8 Pro Unboxing and First Impressions realme today launched the realme 8 Pro smartphone in India along with the realme 8. This is the first phone from realme to feature 108MP rear camera. It packs a 6.4-inch FHD+ AMOLED screen, 16-megapixel front camera inside the punch-hole, retains the Snapdragon 720G from the predecessor and has support for 50W Super Dart Charge fast charging. We got hold of the phone, and here is our unboxing. Box Contents realme 8 Pro smartphone 8GB + 128GB in Infinite Blue color 2-pin 65W SuperDart charger (10V-6.5A) USB Type C Cable SIM Ejector tool Clear protective case User Guide and Warranty information The realme 8 Pro has a 6.4-inch Full HD+ AMOLED punch-hole screen with a pixel resolution of 2400 × 1080 pixels, 20:9 aspect ratio 2.5D curved glass screen with gentle rounded corners. The display is bright, and the sunlight legibility is good as well, thanks to 1000nits peak brightness. It has 60Hz refresh rate and 180Hz touch sa...
The mid-range smartphone market in India is becoming interesting day by day, thanks to a wide range of smartphones available from various OEMs in this segment. Especially, there is stiff competition in the sub-Rs. 15,000 segment lately and now, there is another new entrant in this segment by realme- the realme 7. Realme 7 is the successor of the realme 6 that was launched in India in March this year and I’ve been using the phone for quite some time now, and have thoughts to share. Let’s get started with the realme 7 Review. Table of contents Box Contents Design and Build Display Performance Gaming Software Cameras Speaker and Fingerprint Scanner Connectivity Battery Conclusion Box Contents Realme 7 (8GB+128GB) in Mist Blue 30W Dart Charger USB Type-C cable SIM ejector tool Quick Start Guide Clear protective case Safety and Warranty Information Design and Build Quality Realme changed the design language of its smartphones recently starting with the C11 and has done the...